How to turn off the grid?
  1. Open the ExplorerXP Main Menu and choose File->Settings.
  2. Remove the check marks from “Vertical” or/and “Horizontal”. Remove Grid
How to prevent ExplorerXP from calculating folder sizes?
  1. Open the ExplorerXP Main Menu and choose File->Settings
  2. Select “Folder Sizes” Tab.
  3. Select “Never”. No Calc
How to print a folder?
  1. Select a group of file and folders.
  2. Open the ExplorerXP Main Menu and choose Edit->Copy File Info As Text.
  3. Open Microsoft Office Excel".
  4. Open Excel Main Menu and choose Edit->Paste".
  5. Print the table. Copy Info Note: Any spreadsheet application or text editor can be used.
How to add folders to the groups?
  1. Select a group of folders.
  2. Drag them to a group name in the group view. add groups